911 Service Limitations
If you subscribe to the oxio telephony service, you need to be aware of the differences and limitations in how your 911 service can work compared to traditional wireline telephone service.
With traditional wireline telephone services, your 911 call is sent directly to the nearest emergency response center. With oxio 911 service, your call is first routed to a dispatcher in a third-party emergency call center (Dispatcher) who then routes your call to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) depending on your address / location.
Because the Dispatcher is different from the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) that would answer a traditional 911 call that automatically generates your address / location, you will need to provide your name, address / location, and contact information verbally before your call can be routed to the appropriate CASP.
If, for any reason, you are unable to provide your address / location to the dispatcher (for example, if you are unable to speak during a 911 call), the dispatcher may assume that you are calling from the billing address of your oxio account. It is your responsibility to ensure that your billing address matches the address where oxio equipment is installed. Do not risk sending emergency services to the wrong address / location.
911 calls from an address or location outside Canada can not be routed to a PSAP or an emergency service by the Dispatcher.
The oxio telephony service depends on internet connectivity and power supply to operate. Therefore, if there is an interruption or interruption of service for any reason, this may prevent some or all elements of the emergency service, including 911 service, from functioning. We advise you to contact the emergency services via a traditional wired telephone service or your cell phone.